HES 5000C Complete Pac Electric Strike for Cylindrical Locks, Satin Stainless Steel
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5000C 630
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HES 5000C Complete Pac Electric Strike for Cylindrical Locks, Satin Stainless Steel
The 5000 series is a compact, high performance electric strike designed for low profile openings where there is limited space behind the jamb.
Its strength is derived from a unique keeper pin locking design, enabling the 5000 to exceed the ratings of the frame, door and locking hardware. This field selectable fail secure/fail safe unit is easy to install and accommodates latchbolts up to 5/8" throw.
Frame application: Metal or Wood
.24 Amps at 12 VDC/VAC
.12 Amps at 24 VDC/VAC
DC continuous duty/AC intermittent duty only
Standard Features:
Tamper resistant
Static strength 1,500 lbs.
Dynamic strength 70 ft-lbs.
Endurance 500,000 cycles
Field selectable fail secure/ fail safe
Dual voltage 12 or 24 VDC/VAC
Internally mounted solenoid
Accommodates 1/2" - 5/8" latchbolt (5/8" with 1/8" door gap)