S. Parker B2638 PB Grade 3 Cylindrical Passage Knobset
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B2638 PB
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S. Parker B2638 PB Grade 3 Cylindrical Passage Knobset
Manufactured to the highest quality standards and exceeding Grade 3 Certification, ourB2630 Seriesis crafted to install easily, accepts most industry cylinders and provides heavy duty performance as compared to other brands offering standard or light duty Grade 3 locksets.
Lock Housing and Chassis –Cold rolled steel with zinc dichromate finish for corrosion resistance. Requires standard 2 1/8” (53.97mm) bore through door.
Backset:Adjustable, 2-3/8”–2-3/4
Door Thickness:1-3/8” to 1-3/4”
Latch:Zinc plated 3/8” throw
Latch front:1-1/8” X 2-1/4” for 2-3/4” backset
Strike:4-7/8” A.S.A
Trim:Knob 1-7/8” dia., Rose 2-3/4” dia., Projection from door surface 2-1/2