It’s almost that time of year again when trick-or-treaters line the streets, waiting to fill their basket with chocolates and candy. While spooks and scares will run rampant this Halloween, make sure the not-so-fun kind doesn’t happen at your house. Follow these six home safety tips to protect yourself, your home, and candy-seekers this Halloween

1. Brighten Visibility

Though darkness sets the mood for Halloween, it’s important to keep walkways and the front porch brightly lit. Keeping things well-lit helps trick-r-treaters find their way to your door and avoids stumbles or wandering to the wrong part of your home. Plus, you can keep a better eye out for any Halloween mischievousness.

2. Make a Clear Path for Trick-R-Treaters

Jumping off the point above, clear a direct path for potential trick-r-treaters. That means cleaning leaves or fallen tree debris from your sidewalk, walkways, and front porch. Move potted plants to the sides to prevent people from